Puzzle Safari 2023

Get ready for Puzzle Safari 23: That’s Probably A Bad Idea

To play the event on event day, go to Puzzle Safari 23: That’s Probably A Bad Idea at https://badideas.solutions.

To log in or create an account, use the Login/Register command on the menu bar above.

If you're creating a team, register your team here. This year, we're allowing both on-campus and virtual teams, although the experiences will be slightly different. If you intend to compete on campus, specify a specific Room on campus for your team. Otherwise, specify Room = virtual, so we know your team intends to play remotely.

If you've been invited to join a team, use the link sent to you by your team captain to join the team. If you aren't logged in or don't have an account yet, you'll be redirected to the Login/Register page first.

The Puzzle Safari 23: That’s Probably A Bad Idea site has detailed information on the event schedule, rules, FAQs, and other useful info.