The event is over! Thanks everyone for playing and join us in 99/1919 for our closing! [You can still submit answers, but your placement and score are now locked.]
We've drawn up an event that will leave you satisfied down to the last frame: Non-Intern Puzzleday 2022! Our artists have been hard at work inking up a cavalcade of puzzles for you to solve, so whether you're a Disney diehard or a Miyazaki maven, we guarantee you'll finish the day more animated than when you started!
This year's event will take place on August 20th. Rough schedule (all times PDT):
Note: The opening and closing links will be activated close to the start of those events.
We will be rerunning the whole Intern event complete with an opening and a closing along with live events and a puzzle with physical pieces. All remote participants will miss out on these in-person only interactions and activities.
If the FAQ page and Rules page don't answer your questions, ask
IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST TIME IN A MICROSOFT BUILDING: Microsoft requires anybody entering its buildings to provide a proof of vaccination. Please do that at, or for more information, check out
If you don't have a team yet, you can create a team using the link here. Teams will consist of 4 to 6 players, at least 2 of which must be Microsoft FTEs. Guests on campus must be accompanied by an FTE at all times, and interns are not allowed to play in this event!
Please be aware that all in-person-only components of this event will take place in Building 99, so choose your team's conference room accordingly. Also keep in mind that Studios A, B, C, Buildings 92, 111, 114, 120, 123 - 127, 21, 30, 33, 34, 41, 42, 50, 87, and all construction areas are OFF LIMITS and should not be entered under any circumstances.
You may have seen a jigsaw puzzle, a crossword puzzle, or a Sudoku at some point in your life, but those barely crack the cover on the whole anthology that is "puzzling"! Puzzleday puzzles also have a tendency to get... creative, so you might see something that looks especially strange! Check out a few sample puzzles or peruse our collection of puzzles from past events.